
Urban Martial Arts Action

Arahan: Urban Martial Arts Action A naive yet passionate Sang-hwan becomes a downtown policeman to help the good and punish the bad. But when it comes to gang crime, he is nothing but a coward. One day he gets discovered by a martial arts master and his training to unleash the true power within him begins. Meanwhile, the Ultimate Evil, Black Cloud, is set loose. Now Sang-hwan, who possesses the absolute power, becomes ' the one' who must save the world. ..

When a thief driving a motorcycle steals a purse of a pedestrian, the clumsy, naive and honest rookie policeman Sang-hwan runs after him, but the skilled specialist in martial arts Wi-jin captures the criminal and Sang-hwan is severely injured. She brings Sang-hwan to her home, where the six Masters of Tao heal him and believe that he has a powerful Qi, the spiritual energy of the universe, and could be a powerful warrior. Sang-hwan begins his training to ascend to a Maruchi, while the evil and ambitious Heuk-woon is accidentally released from his imprisonment. The powerful Heuk-woon attacks the masters, searching a key that they protect, which would permit him to become an Arahan and dominate the world. When the masters are defeated, Sang-hwan and Wi-jin are the only and last hope to mankind.


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