
ESP Couple (Korean Comedy Movie w/eng sub)

ESP Couple (Eng Sub)
Directed by Kim Hyeong-joo (김형주)
Screenplay by Kim Hyeong-joo (김형주)
Cast by: Jin Goo, Park Bo-yeong, Jo Yeon-ho, Lee Sang-hong

A college boy Su-min is looking around paintings in a gallery when he hears someone screaming for help. That's where he first meets a high school girl, Hyun-jin. They soon meet again in a park, and she realizes he is gifted; he can read people's mind. He doesn't want to be near her but somehow he happens to talk with her all the time, which makes him confused. They unexpectedly run into a kidnapping case and she is getting sure about his supernatural power. Hyun-jin tags after him, and tries him in many different ways to figure out his gift. He thinks she is so annoying and frustrating; however he finds strangely himself feeling something about her. As he is entangled in Hyun-jin's test, he ends up cleaning a restaurant to cover for expensive lobster dishes. Later on Su-min and Hyun-jin go to an amusement park with the money from Su-min's cleaning work and surely she never stops testing him even at the park. Since they see the kidnapping suspect by chance at the park, they get a step closer to real state of the kidnapping...

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