
My DNA says I Love You

In Mandarin with English and Chinese Subtitles
Genre: Romance/Comedy
Director: Robin Lee (The Shoe Fairy)
Cast: Peter Ho, Eddie Peng, Terri Kwan, Yu Nan Runtime: 1 hr 33 mins
Released By: GV and Encore Films

Gigi and Marlene, two single women both in their late 20’s, work at a bio-technology company, researching and developing medicine to suppress specific genes and their effects on the human body. Gigi has ‘clean-freak’ gene but her boyfriend, Anteater, is a slob. She steals new untested drugs to suppress her natural behaviour so that she can be with her boyfriend. Marlene, on the other hand, is born with the ‘fat gene’ and has been taking anti-fat pills to control it. At this time, she falls in love with landlord’s son, Teddy. Her lift gets complicated when the drug was withdrawn from the market. Will the girls find true love with some help from Science?

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