
IP Man 2

IP Man 2 Legend of the Grand Master

IP MAN 2 will pick up where its predecessor left off with Ip (Yen) relocating to Hong Kong from his native Foshan. The plot will follow Ip’s early years there where he established leading up to the time when he took on a young Bruce Lee as his student.

Action director Sammo Hung is on board again, this time also in front of the camera where he will portray a Hung Fist master who develops a rivalry with Ip Man. Actors Fan Siu-wong, Simon Yam and Lam Ka-tung are also returning.

Several other new cast members will be added. Most notably, Bruce Lee will be portrayed by 11-year-old child actor Jiang Daiyan. Other additions include former child martial arts actor Sik Siu-lung (DRAGON FROM SHAOLIN) and Huang Xiaoming (THE BANQUET).

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