
She's on Duty

Stephen Chow's Fight Back to School, re-set it in an all-girl's school in Korea, and add a sexy female protagonist, and you'll have some idea of what writer/director Park Kwang-choon (Madeleine)has in store for you in his entertaining action comedy, She's On Duty! Kim Seon-ah (S Diary, Wet Dreams) plays a female detective who has to go deep undercover as a high schooler in order to thwart a plot by the Japanese Yakuza to traffic teenage girls as sex slaves! Not content to save just the girls from a life of prostitution, Kim's character even lends a hand in squashing in-school violence, giving a performance that has earned raves from nostalgic audiences longing for the "good ol' days" of high school. Also featuring performances by Gong Yoo (My Tutor Friend), Nam Sang-mi (Too Beautiful to Lie), and Park Sang-myeon (My Wife is a Gangster), She's On Duty is one film that goes straight to the head of the class!

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