
A Tale of Two Sister Korean Horror Movie

Two sisters, Su-Mi and Su-Yeong, return home after a stay in a mental institution. They are happy to be home, at first, and wander around the countryside surrounding their home in an summer idyll before entering the house to face their stepmother. Thing inside the house aren't so rosy. Their relations with their stepmother are strained at best. At night, the girls are tormented by terrifying visions of spectral visitors. Things are not right with their stepmother, either, whose facade begins to crack during a particularly awkward dinner party, a party that is demolished when one of their guests has a seizure, then sees a phantom of her own under the kitchen sink. Meanwhile, Su-Mi begins to suspect her stepmother of abusing her younger sister, Su-Yeong. A confrontation seems inevitable...

This korean horror movie is one of the best that i have seen in so far. The story is totally great and the scary effects is overtop from what i have expected. Even there are only few people in the cast but that will make you have the feeling of being alone in the dark. Trust me, it's more scary than Ringu!

A family is haunted by the tragedies of deaths within the family
Also Known As : Rose and Lotus
Cast : Kap-su Kim, Jung-ah Yum, Su-jeong Lim, Geun-yeong Mun

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