
Norwegian Wood (2010)

Noruwei no mori

Release Date : 2010
Country : Japan
Language : Japanese
Subtitle(s): English
Synopsis: Set in the 1960s, high school student Toru Watanabe loses his best friend Kizuki after he inexplicably commits suicide. Toru, looking for a new life, enters a university in Tokyo. By chance, during a walk in a park Toru meets Kizuki's ex-girlfriend Naoko, and they grow close since they both share the same loss.

As Toru and Naoko grow even closer, Naoko's sense of loss also grows. After Naoko's 20th birthday, which she shares with Toru, she withdraws from the world and leaves for a sanitarium in a remote forest setting near Kyoto to regain some emotional stability. Watanabe is devastated by the situation, as he still has deep feelings for Naoko, but she is unable to reciprocate. He continues with his studies, and during the spring semester meets an attractive, vivacious fellow student Midori, who is everything that Naoko isn't. The story then follows Toru as he is torn between the two women in his life. (Wikipedia)
Genre : Drama, Romance
Cast : Rinko Kikuchi, Kenichi Matsuyama, Kiko Mizuhar, Tetsuji Tamayama, Kengo Kôra, Reika Kirishima, Eriko Hatsune
Also Known As : Noruwei no mori


Upon hearing the song "Norwegian Wood," Toru (Matsuyama) remembers back to his life in the 1960s, when his friend Kizuki killed himself and he grew close to Naoko...

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