
Bang fei

Bang fei
A man or woman who loses his wife is called a widower or widow. A child who loses his parents is called an orphan. What do you call a parent who loses his child?" Ah Huat, a struggling and obnoxious 40-year-old taxi-driver, is a complete failure. His wife left him years ago. And his only son - Wei Siang - is frequently neglected. One day, Wei Siang is abducted at a shopping mall, in a case of mistaken identity. The kidnapper, Ah Hu, tortures the boy and demands a $1,000,000 ransom. Ah Huat gives up everything in his life to raise the money, but Ah Hu reneges on the exchange and demands more money. Unable to raise the second ransom, Lim descends into madness and grief, and takes the most extreme retaliatory measure: He kidnaps Ah Hu's child.

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