
The Sick House

ANNA is an ambitious young archaeologist. She desperately needs the kudos of an important find. But her work is ruined when the authorities suddenly shut down the old hospital in which she is working. Plague spores contaminate its medieval foundations. ANNA is convinced that this ancient plague site holds an even darker secret. In her research she has stumbled on a murderous pattern of unexplained child deaths. This is a very cold case; the children disappeared in 1665, the year of the GREAT PLAGUE. The ‘suits’ at her museum don’t buy her theories and they give the go-ahead for the hospital’s imminent demolition. That night ANNA risks everything, and breaks back into the hospital to prove her suspicions. Reaching for a mysterious ancient artifact, she slips and falls. Meanwhile, NICK’s 21st birthday celebrations are culminating in chaos. He just wanted a good night out with girlfriend JOOLZ
Genre: Horror
iMDB Rating: 4.0/10
Directed by: Curtis Radclyffe
Starring: Gina Philips, Alex Hassell and Kellie Shirley

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