
The Vanished Ame No Machi Japan Horror Movie

Thirty five years ago, a group of young school children disappeared in the Japanesewoods.In present day Japan, a lazy young reporter is tasked to write a story on the children.

The children rises from the dead, and takes the journalist on a journey into the woods to unravel a decades-old mystery of what happened .

The boy's body floats away from this remote village and is discovered miles downstream. An autopsy shows up some bizarre results. Gutter press journalist Sota is sent to check out the story and hype up the supernatural angle, even if there isn't one. But for the first time in his career, he sees something genuinely uncanny. Not the least of which is a corpse with the insides of what looks like yellow cheese.

Tracing the body back to a remote area in the forest, he teams up with Fumiyo, a local journalist. She takes him to one of the few families left in a severely haunted village, where the local children, aren't really children at all...

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