
Dating on Earth Korean Full Movie

Micky Yoochun: A high school student who fell in love with his class advisor and married with the class advisor .
Hero Jaejoong: Fell in love with his class advisor , a love triangle relationship will be formed .
Uknow Yunho: Head of Student Counsellor who is handsome but talk in a vicious way , always bully Yoochun .
Xiah Junsu: Yoochuns friend who is naive and smart yet thick-skinned .
Max Changmin: The son of a big financial company who is Junsus good friend .
So Hyon Jin: Yoochuns class advisor

The husband is a high school student , starred by Yoochun and the wife is a class advisor , starred by So Hyon Jin. The other 4 members will be acted as Yoochuns classmates. Jaejoong will be acting as a transferred student who have lose his parents since young , was brought up in an orphanage. In the drama , Jaejoong will fallen in love for his class advisor [starred by So Hyon Jin] , then formed a love triangle relationship with Yoochun , class advisors husband .
Moreover , in this drama , Yoochun and the female lead will have some kiss scenes ..

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