
Troubleshooter (2010)

Ex-detective and now private eye Kang Tae-Sik (Sol Kyung-Gu) enters a love motel to take pictures of a couple for an unknown client. Kang Tae-Sik is then shocked to discover a bloody slain woman on the bed. Kang Tae-Sik flees the scene when the police arrive and mistakenly believes he is the killer. A mysterious man then calls Kang Tae-Sik and offers to clear his name if he kidnaps a high-profile lawyer embroiled in a political scandal. Even more mystifying, the caller is constantly aware of Kang Tae-Sik’s every move. Kang Tae-Sik must now use all of his muscles and the bevy of technological gadgetry at his disposal to clear himself and find the mastermind behind this intricate conspiracy.

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