
Hero (2002)

Hero at the time of its release was easily the best wuxia (Chinese martial arts fiction) film to be released in the modern age of film making. Consisting one of the premier martial artist and actor of this Chinese based film genre, Jet Li provided the perfect role for the nameless character he plays in Hero. This movie is based in the transitional time of China’s history when the different states that make up what is now known as China were very divided then became unified as one under the King of Quin in 227 BC. Jet Li plays a character whose background is of little importance to this movie. What is important is his ability to get very close to the King in his own palace. Recent attacks by three assassins on the King’s life have forced him to create laws in which prevent anyone coming more than a 100 paces within reach to him. The only way to get this close is to bring back proof of the death of these three assassins. These three assassins are Long Sky, Flying Snow and Broken Sword. The assassins all come together to form the perfect scenario for Jet Li’s nameless character role to kill the tyrannical king. The movie has the psychological feel of the classic 70′s martial arts films and has the look of modern film such as the Matrix with the in depth and precise nature of the cinematography. Jet Li is one of the best film actors in this genre in the last 20 years and this is one of his crowning achievements.

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