

This is a Korean movie known as "Crossing" It is a story of a North Korean man who attempts to cross over into China to get medicine for his dying wife and food for his starving family.

Yong-soo lives in a small coal-mine village in North Korea with his wife and young son. Although living in extreme poverty, the family is happy just to be with each other. Then one day, Yong-soo’s pregnant wife becomes critically ill. Let alone medicine, Yong-soo can’t even find food for her in North Korea. So he secretly crosses the borders of China hoping to find the medicine for his wife. After many life threatening moments in China, Yong-soo is forced into South Korea, becoming an unwanted refugee prohibited to return to his family. Meanwhile, his wife passes away leaving their young son alone in desperation. With no one to turn to, his young son sets out to find his father not knowing where or how to find him.
Genre: Drama, History
Starring: Cha In-Pyo, Shin Myung-Cheol, Jeong In-Gi
Language: Korean
Subtitle: English

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