
The Beast and Beauty (Korean Movie w/ eng-sub)

Starring: Ryeo Seong Beum, Sin Min Ah, Kim Kang Woo Hae-ju is an attractive young woman who maintains good spirits in spite of having lost her eyesight years ago. For the past three years she has been in a relationship with Dong-gun, a devoted boyfriend. But when an eye-donor is found for Hae-ju, Dong-gun faces a dilemma: he is really quite plain looking and also disfigured by a facial scar and does not want Hae-ju to see what he looks like. Instead of explaining this to her, Dong-gun leaves a message for her that he has left Korea for Hawaii. In the meantime, Hae-ju meets Jun-ha, a prosecutor who is smitten with her. He keeps fighting for her attention and affection, but Hae-ju continues to await Dong-gun's return. ^.^

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